SSL Certificate Application
Use This Form To Apply For Your SSL Cert
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If you need help installing your SSL Certification TJD Web Solutions can do it for you for a nominal fee of $75.
Run Your mouse over the certificate names to get a detailed explanation. You may also view our FAQ.
- •Standard SSL Certificate
- •Premium Extended SSL
- •Multiple Domain SSL (UCC)
- •Wildcard Single Unlimited Subs
- •Code Signing Certificate
All our certificates are registered through a certified registrar and are renewable for an unlimited period but only for 5 years at a time for Standard SSL's and two years at a time for Premium.
Code Signing Certificates are for a three year time frame max.
We also offer you domain registration at a deeply discounted rate over the big names.
If you host with us or let us build or maintain your site we even offer greater discounts and some domains are free for a year.
Our web hosting and SEO has been effective for over thirty years and we can get you the results to help you succeed on the web.
- Standard Single Domain 1-5 years $75.00 Per Year (New Purchase)
- Wildcard Single Domain With Unlimited Subdomains
- Premium SSL ( includes standard SSL to use during verification process)
- Code Signing Certificate (protect your web sites code) $415 per year
- Certificate Installation Services