Search Engine Optimization
Define Goals || Determine Approach || Implement
Get The Best Ranking
At TJD Web Solutions we take all of the guesswork and research out of it. Our programs keep a constantly updated data base of what each of the top 96 search engines look for and how they rank pages and web sites. In short to get your site to rank well and bring the traffic in has very little to do with what the public sees but what they don't see. What counts is what the search engine sees and what is going on behind the scenes so to speak.
What We Offer
- •Meta Tag Analysis
- •Meta Tag Configuration
- •Search Engine Submission
- •Page Analysis
- •Link Popularity Check
- •Competitive Analysis
- •Traffic Reports
- •Keyword Search Analysis
- •SERP Report
- •Site Map
- •RSS Feed Inclusion
- •Blogs & Press Release
- •Social Book Marking
- •Directory Submission
- •Articles Submission
5 Easy Steps
Remember Them
- Know Your Audience
- Choose Accurate Keywords
- Write Your Pages
- Optimize Your Pages
- Strong Title Tags
As you can see, optimizing a page has less to do with optimal keyword density and more to do with knowing who it is that will be using that page.
Title Tag Importance
This is because, as you will notice, engines like Google bold the search term in the title and snippets or description. One way to make your title stand out is to have the term in a different position than the competition. That way the bolding stands out like this:
key phrase in title tag
key phrase in title tag
title tag with key phrase
key phrase in title tag
Notice how the third one stands out from the rest?
In short follow these five steps and pay close attention to what your competition is doing then put a twist on that technique.
Better Yet, let us do it for you.
Stop Wasting Money
'According to a recent study, more than 60% of websites lack the proper web programming to be ranked properly by Internet search engines.
According to the Front Page Public Relations report, websites, in many cases, do not contain the necessary titles, descriptions, keywords and other Meta tags required to be read and indexed properly by leading search engines, nor do they include the beneficial language in search results to entice customers to click through to their websites. In todays search engine optimization title tags and meta keywords or descriptions are much less used but still have some relevancy
While it may seem obvious to many of us in the industry (The so-called veterans) it may not be that obvious to all.
That is, no matter what rankings you achieve or how much you are spending on your PPC in a month, you really should only consider one thing: Your customers.
100% of your efforts must revolve around who your customer is.
As with any marketing campaign the first step in optimizing ANY web page is to know your target audience. Is your site B2B (business to business) or B2C (business to consumer). This is important because this not only affects the tone of your site, but also the keywords you chose.
It is imperative that you nail who your target is before you do anything else because if you don't it doesn't matter how big your site is, or how many pages you have. If you don't write to the right crowd you aren't going to get too much business.
The best thing is to write down who you think the target is. Be as detailed as possible. For example, your target may be a 30-45 year olds with an annual income of less than $50,000 per year, in middle management, who drives 45 miles a day round trip to work. They may have an above average education and possibly a degree. This is the type of detail you need. You should be able to picture this person in your mind. Not just the abstract idea of them, but a physical look as well. the better you can picture them in your mind the more successful you will be. A core practice is to implement or involve your brand development team to determine the details. We offer a full brand development program. Learn More >>>
If you don't know who your target audience is you will never be able to properly optimize your pages. Sure you can optimize it for whatever keywords you choose, but if they aren't the words that your customer will search for, what's the point?
In the end, the more you know who your customer is, the better you will be in all your on line ventures, from introduction of your product or service, to closing the sale. It is up to you to cater to them, and not force them into a more generic mold. This is because todays web searchers are much more savvy and willing to browse more if a site doesn't appeal to them.